I decided to complete the fast at around 11pm tonight. For my first fast I made it 54 hours and I drank over 25 nalgene bottles of water. I found it to be something I’ll definitely do again. It will be for a week next time! I really think voluntary fasting might help a lot of people look more closely at their eating habits.
This evening I went around DC putting up campaign flyers with Adam Eidinger. The incumbent, Ray Browne, has finally decided to put up campaign flyers, but they are the exact same as the ones he used in 2002. Pretty lame! We had one incident with the police. They shouted over their car speaker that we were not allowed to put up the campaign poster on the street light. But I continued to put up the poster anyways because I knew that I was completely within my legal bounds. DC has a cool law that allows you to put up 3 posters per side of the street per block! We explained this to the police officers after they had gotten out of their car and checked our IDs. The whole confrontation ended with us giving the police a campaign palmcard and saying goodbye. Its a nice thing when you can end a confrontation with the police without any problems, and even a smile & laugh. They realized that they were not correct in their assumption about campaign postering and let us be. Later in the evening while we were putting up more posters, I saw the same squad car and waived and they waived back. I guess this incident would fall under the “soft-side” of a police-state (if there is one). I watched the Hardball clip again today. I am going to send the link to my close friends and family for them to get a better picture of my involvement with the campaign.
Earlier today, I tried to get a 48 megabyte satellite image of Baghdad to reflect in Photoshop, but was unsuccessful due to lack of space on my scratch disk. I was able to halve the size of the image and resample it. It will be for next and potentially largest rendering. I really love the way the satellite images reflect!
Time to clean my room and prepare for my guest. And eat a lil more…