I made two new renderings using a 4-panel reflection satellite image of downtown Baghdad as the center and a 4-panel reflection satellite image of Monrovia, Liberia. I think they are absolutely beautiful! Most definitely my favorite renderings yet. I really am pleased with how the double use of inner and outer satellite images looks. I think I’ll make a couple more with Baghdad as the centeral image and just change the size & texture of the torus. So far this summer I’ve made about 30 of these images, and if I were to professionally have these printed I could definitely have an interesting exhibit- I’ll continue dreaming in the meantime!
I am starting to redesign Citizen Policies Institute’s website and I am excited about making this website look amazing! I’ll begin working on this shortly. In the meantime, I have a very special guest in town who I haven’t seen in a year! So I’m not sure how much work I’ll be able to do on my blog or my next website redesign. However, do to the passive nature of rendering graphics, I’ll probably churn out a few more in the meantime.