Since I was recording the speech, I also recorded a protestor getting escorted out of the convention during Bush’s speech. There was another person who was escorted out as well, but C-Span did film them. I must give those people props for their deep cover operation, but its unfortunate they didn’t make a bigger ruckus. It would have made my night! Nonetheless, I am pleased to see that the convention is over. Its time for political harball…on two more months.
The next major news item will be the hurricane in Florida. I expect to see footage of the Bush boys helping out people who have had their lives changed dramatically by Nature instead of their misguided policies. Well actually their policies might actually be partly responsible. The Republicans (as well as Democrats) have done little to combat climate change in my lifetime. I mean in all honesty climate change is best defined as merely an increase climatic variability, and due to the unprecedented amount of CO2 in our atmosphere, its happening right the moment. So expect more hurricanes, monsoons, droughts, floods, and tornados. And look for politicians to be on the scene to console families, but don’t expect any policies that will help combat the issue, just a good photo-op for the newspapers (which will not be recycled).