Today there was a procession / march / rally /non-violent direct action at Arlington National Cemetary & the Elipse. I did sound with Adam at the Ellipse portion of the event. It was amazing. The procession began at Arlington National Cemetary and over a 100 more coffins made their way to the Ellipse. In the end there were over a thousand coffins sprawled over the Ellipse drapped in black fabric (which represented dead Iraqi civilians) and American flags (fallen soldiers). The speakers really touched my heart. They included Lila Lipscomb (of Fahrenheit 9/11 fame), Michael Berg (father of decapitated Nick Berg), Mike Hoffman (founded Iraq War Vets Against the War), Arun Ghandi (grandson of Mohatma Ghandi), and numerous parents of dead soldiers. Listening to some of the mothers talk about what happened to their children and how their lives have changed touched me. I found myself crying along with the speakers and audience. It was so moving. I really hope that C-Span rebroadcasts the footage this week.