I feel sorry for my housemate Jill. After about a month’s worth of activism concerning the reopening of homeless shelter here in DC, the DC city government decided it was “surplus” and sold it off to the Corcoran School of Art. Starting with the storming of the shelter to feed homeless people on Thanksgiving, and finishing up with two days straight of direct action, its a hard blow to see something you feel so passionately about disintegrate. After discussing the city council vote with her last night, I really wanted to find out what their next plan of action was. Before the vote even took place, I wanted to see a counter-proposal created, one that has all the facts and figures, showing how the homeless shelter could have been saved and how much it would have cost the city. But alas, the alternative seemed to be just a promise that the shelter would be run by the activists and the shelter was deemed surplus. I did record last night’s final coverage, as well as, Thursday’s coverage their best direct action– probably one of best I’ve seen in a long time. Nonetheless, I can only offer her the cliché of “never stop trying….”
Anyways, this morning I got wild hair up my ass and recoded the entire website. Since I am not looking for a job anymore, I opted to remove the link to my resume. I replaced it with a link to my posters. Hopefully, I can spark more interest in them that way :) After all, I sold my first poster earlier this week! To one of my old geography professors at that! I can’t wait to get my first paycheck next week so I can get some of them printed up from Kodak. Excited!
The house party last night was fun. I met a lot of interesting folks and drank a lot more than I intended to, and actually remembered most people’s names. I wanted to go to a different party midway through the night, but I didn’t have my bike with me so I was stranded. There are a few more parties tonight to check out so I’ll be busy. Maybe I can get a girl’s number…lol