Today I read this DCist post and finally discovered what the listserv was for my hood…. So this evening I cropped one of my hi-res aerial photographs, and I posted the links (different resolutions need different links) in a nice post to the list. I hope the imagery is used to help the area!
Working the community mapping projects with the USDA and My Community, Our Earth programs made me want to give the imagery, which has just been sitting on my computer for months, out to a broader audience. I’d really like to see (or hear of) people using the imagery to show where street lights are out, where the best place to buy food is, where recent crime has taken place, etc etc. An aerial photograph can show a lot, but what it doesn’t show is what is going on in the area. I sincerely feel that an image (like the one above) can actually empower someone because they see the context of their surroundings in a different form.