This is my first “commissioned” piece. I mentioned it a while back, but it took my benefactor a little while to come through with what he wanted me to make. He is from Hong Kong, which is where the Pearl River Delta is, and I used a NASA satellite image of the Pearl River Delta a backdrop. On the body of the model I used the same modified aerial photography I’ve used in most of my DC based renderings (like DC Lenz #4). The contrast between the past and the present is what I like most about this rendering, and I sincerely hope that he likes print on his wall at his home or office!
Related Miscellaneous Renderings:
- Madison Offset
- Washington Circle Parallelogram
- The Eye of Philadelphia
- Malfunction Junction Offset
- A Navy Yard Perspective
- A Gigapan of Erie Coke Corporation Eye
- Erie Coke Corporation Eye
- Eye 670 - A perspective of Interstate 670 in downtown Kansas City
- The National Archives Cross
- Meridian Hill Park Hexagon Tessellation
- QR Code Tessellation
- another QR Code mistake
- Memphis Cross
- Vassar Quilt Refraction
- Scott + Dupont Circle Quilt
- Brownsville Spheres
- White House Peace
- ordered last week: New Blaeu
- Federal Triangle Refraction
- Washington + Dupont Circle Quilt
- The Mount Pleasant Cross
- Charlotte Spheres
- The Grand Design Lenz Quilt
- Clayton Quilt #3
- A New Map of the Pentagon
- The Pentagon Spheres
- A Wrinkle in Chicago
- The Shanghai Map
- Society is Enriched by Labor :: Socio Ditata Labore
- Vermont Avenue Sprocket
- San Antonio Sprocket #2
- San Antonio Sprocket
- Temporal Stereography of Schiller Park, Illinois
- Meridian Hill Park Mask
- A Degraded Mask of Meridian Hill Park
- UCLA Quilt #3
- Blue Marble Beauty #2
- Blue Marble Beauty
- Jefferson Sparks
- Boxes of Jefferson
- Knot the National Mall
- Washington Monument Zoom
- DC Stencil
- N Prague (or Z Prague)
- Minneapolis Sunrise
- Boston Volcano
- Mall Mountain
- White House Sunset
- Lady Liberty on a quilt of the Pearl River Delta
- String of DC
- Bush's Bitch stands up to be heard
- Baltimore World Trade Center...
- More Bush than you ever want to see...
- Mississippi Delta Reflection Balls
- Spherish