Ball of Destruction
I decided to use Bryce’s side program, Daz Studio, to manipulate the “Victoria” model to create this rendering. With Bryce 5.5, you can click on an icon that brings you to the Studio where you can import complex models (aka posers) and manipulate their poses, and once finished moving their body parts, you can import them back into the Bryce scene you are working on.
This is first time I’ve sat around and actually tried to figure out how to use this program. While it’s somewhat intuitive, (the neck bone is connected to the shoulder bone is connected to arm bone is connected to the hand bone is connected to the finger bone etc.) I had some trouble getting the body parts to move exactly to the positions I wanted them. It ended being a trial and error process, where I started with the vision of making her pray, but being unable to get the hands to move exactly how I wanted them, I ended up making her wrists touch nicely and I realized I could add an object to make them appear to be holding something.
When I imported her back, I realized that I wanted to continue using the hurricane motif that I’ve been using lately. The sphere I placed in her hands is a NOAA satellite image of hurricane Katrina, the background to the left is the first derivative of the Superdome Quilt (aka the hurricane’s destruction), and on her body I used a USGS aerial photo of downtown Washington, DC, specifically featuring the White House.
I chose the White House because the inferred blame of the hurricane’s cause and aftermath lies squarely on those in the White House. I’d love to use the Capitol for a rendering (some blame goes there as well), but like the U.S. Naval Observatory, it’s visually redacted and doesn’t look that great when rendered.
Regardless, whenever I use the female model in my renderings, she has nearly always been of the aerial photograph of the White House. I guess this is because I’ve kept the notion alive in my head that she is supposed to be Mother Earth and all the power in the world is located there.
Up next I have new style of quilt in the pipeline. For the last 12 hours it’s been rendering and I am very excited about how it will turn out. Let’s just say I’m going to start using more than one fabric in my quilts!
View close-up detail of the face:

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- Superdome Quilt 1st Derivative #2
- Superdome Quilt - 1st Derivative
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- Ball of Destruction
- DC Stencil
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- White House Sunset
- Lady Liberty on a quilt of the Pearl River Delta
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- Bush's Bitch stands up to be heard
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- The Modern Geographer
- Mother Earth #4
- Star of DC
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- DC Lenz #2
[…] describing (and linking to) the 26-year-old’s work that I’ll just quote a little bit: “Ball of Destruction” [above] shows the Mall and Capitol Hill in the figure of a woman. For security reasons, the feds […]
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