A friend of mine that I have been spending a lot of time with lately graduated from Harvard a few years ago. When I told her that I was going to make a map of Harvard she showed me which dorm she lived in. When I set up the tessellation I tried my best to place her dorm, the Dunster House, near the seam on the NE & NW tessellations. The SE & SW tessellations placed her dorm on the edges of the tessellation, so I haven’t got around to making those two maps yet, but I plan on it.
One of my favorite aspects of my map making activities is seeing how the final product turns out. Where will the seams line up? What buildings will get reflected along a line of symmetry? What part of the map will be the most beautiful? Will I find a random reflection? etc. etc. It turns out that this map and the following map, have her former dorm placed beautifully. I also broke away from the standard 2 / 3 / 4 seamed maps, and made 6 seamed map, and I must say that I very happy with how this map turned out. Check the details to see what I’m talking about!
View the Google Map of Harvard University
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