Location: Calvert & Cliffbourne, NW, Washington, DC
Durantion: Up for less than two weeks.
In hindsight, I wish I would have placed it farther up the block on a street sign that wasn’t leaning!
I did some side work (lobbying California State Senators for industial hemp bill) for Vote Hemp at the Mintwood office and on my way back home I put this map up around 1843 Calvert St., NW.
I was planning on putting it up farther down the street right before the Duke Ellington Bridge, but as I was riding down the street, I caught my friend Will out of the corner of my eye. He was on the phone outside of his office and so I stopped and hopped off my bike to say hello.
As he was finishing up the conversation I went up to the sign and screwed the map on. We chatted briefly and I mentioned that I hadn’t heard Thievery Corporation’s newest CD Versions. He ran inside and got me a copy. It’s now one of my favorites ESL CDs. This map, while called, “You Are Here #2,” officially, is really called my Versions Map.
Favorite song on the CD? “Originality”