Screen shot below features zooms of Boise Quilt & Pentagon Quilt and RFK Quilt #2 as the background image
American Stereography #3 is an interactive geovisualization webart environment that randomly projects two geographic tessellations side by side. By clicking on either the right or the left image, the viewer can alternate between scales of the original kaleidoscopic aerial photography. The foreground contains only places in America and the background features the reversed scale of places throughout Washington, DC.
Total Foreground Images:
136 = ZOOM-OUT
145 = ZOOM-IN
Total Background Images:
67 = ZOON-IN
Number of Visual Combinations:
(136*67)+(145*45)+1[intro page] = 9179 + 6525 + 1= 15,705
I decided to add a SMALL, MEDIUM, and LARGE link to project. I added this so that users can adjust the size of the images displayed on the computer screen. By adding these 3 options the project now has 47,115 different visual combinations
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- American Stereography #3
- American Stereography #2
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