From Roll Call:
Up-Lifting Message
Nikolas Schiller of the DC Statehood Green Party helps fellow party members lift a large pro-D.C. statehood flag on the Capitol’s West Front following a voting-rights march to the Capitol on Monday. Washington, D.C., Mayor Adrian Fenty, Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton and other District officials led supporters from Freedom Plaza to the Capitol in a show of support for a bill that would grant D.C. a vote in the House.
Related Colonist Entries:
- DC Colonist Cartoon: “Court Declares State Voters Tax Exempt in D.C.” – Washington Evening Star, March 13, 1940
- DC Colonist Cartoon: “Keep Out of U.S. Elections” – Washington Star, November 5, 1940
- DC Colonist Cartoon: “Disenfranchisement" – Washington Star, November 4th, 1930
- Subcommittee on Health Care, District of Columbia, Census and the National Archives: Hearing on the District of Columbia's Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: "Ensuring Fiscal Sustainability"
- DC Colonist Cartoon: "Election Day" - Washington Star, November 4th, 1924
- Feature in today's Weekend Pass Section of the Washington Post's Express Newspaper: "Geo-Beautiful"
- YouTube Video Showing Where George Washington Grew Hemp at Mount Vernon
- 52 cents in change // 52 centavos en cambio
- 51 cents in change
- Photos from Emancipation Day 2010 by Elvert Barnes
- TO MAKE A STATE OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - The New York Times, December 14, 1902
- Comments by Thomas Tredwell at the New York Ratifying Convention on July 2nd, 1788
- “Representation, Reforestation” Was Selected For The DC Urban Forest Project
- Second Class Citizen: A Shirt of Shame
- My Urban Forest Project Submission: "Representation, Reforestation"
- Justice Stafford Eloquent on Washington: Past, Present, and Future - The Washington Herald, May 9th, 1909
- Photograph of when an innocent card game made me feel sad
- The DC Colonist is now officially stock photo
- Pat Buchanan Prefers To Be A Colonist. I Do Not. [YouTube Video Clip of MSNBC's Morning Joe Show]
- My Response To Today's Washington Post Letter To The Editor By Ann Wass
- The D.C. Colonist Is The Subject Of A Letter To The Editor In Today's Washington Post
- The D.C. Colonist is featured today's The Reliable Source column in the Style Section of the Washington Post
- WAMU Coverage of the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on the Federal Workforce, Postal Service and the District of Columbia hearing titled "Greater Autonomy for the Nation's Capitol"
- TAFT STIRS CAPITAL BY SUFFRAGE SPEECH - The New York Times, May 10th, 1909
- The D.C. Statehood Vote - The Washington Post, November 20th, 1993
- Tax Fairness for D.C. - The New York Times, October 30th, 1993
- D.C. Statehood - The Washington Post, January 13th, 1993
- Statehood for the District of Columbia - The Boston Globe, December 2nd, 1992
- The State of Misgovernment - The New York Times, July 21st, 1992
- Grant D.C. Residents Full Rights - The Oregonian, April 15th, 1992
- The D.C. Plantation: Freedom Soon? - The New York Times, November 25th, 1991
- Free the Government's Plantation - The New York Times, October 6th, 1991
- Statehood for the District of Columbia - The Minneapolis Star and Tribune, June 27th, 1987
- Why Not Statehood for D.C. Citizens? - Seattle Times, May 11th, 1987
- [Washington Times] CITIZEN JOURNALISM: D.C. Voters Eye 51st-State Status By Ann Loikow
- The sign I posted outside of MTV's Real World DC house is transcribed in today's Washington Post
- Happy 4th of July, but remember...
- Obama can't criticize Chavez on at least one issue
- Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton & Senator Joe Lieberman introduce a D.C. Statehood Bill
- What! A Bicycle Rifle? Yes?
- Thomas Jefferson's Map of Washington from March 31st, 1791
- Text of H.R. 259 - An act to retrocede the county of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia, to the State of Virginia
- YouTube video of DC Colonists demonstrating at the first Nationals game at RFK Stadium
- "Let Us Now End American Colonialism" - A speech by Ernest Gruening delivered to the Delegates of the Alaska Constitutional Convention on November 9, 1955
- The 23rd Amendment - Time Magazine - March 31, 1961
- The D.C. Colonist receives a warm welcome from Senator Joe Lieberman at today's Business Meeting of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
- Hey Google & YouTube, those are not my Senators! I have no Senators!
- Hey Google & YouTube, that is not my Representative or Delegate!
- Washington Post Video of last night's Statehood Forum
- Indirectly mentioned in today's Washington Post
- YouTube Video featuring the 6pm News Coverage Mashup of the 2009 DC House Voting Rights Act
- Interviewed on MSNBC this morning
- Welcome to DC, we have no vote, we have no voice.
- YouTube Video of Newschannel 8's coverage of the "YES WE CAN - DC STATEHOOD NOW" poster
- Plagiarizing the official Inaugural Map to include a political message
- Yes We Can - DC Statehood Now!
- [FOUND MAP] New York City: The 51st State
- The American Flag in a 51 Star Configuration with One Star Removed
- My DC license plate redesign was discussed today on the WAMU's The Kojo Nnamdi Show
- DC.gov website confuses Statehood with Voting Rights & Representation
- What D.C. Statehood Would Mean To Black America - Ebony, October, 1990
- One Third Representation Flyer Posted Outside of Busboys & Poets
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- Quart Bag: A Community Art Show at the Civilian Art Projects
- The Dr. Bill Show!
- DC Residents say they want full democracy, like New Delhi.
- Experimenting with Facebook's advertisement system [part 3 - Twenty Phantom Women]
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- Interactive Inequality
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- Third of representation a start, but not enough
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- We've got the support-
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- Out of Committee
- Liberté, égalité, fraternité - OSCE
- Sway with me
- pre-press
- OSCE Rally Friday!
- www.osceindc.com
- DC City Council Passes OSCE Resolution
- DC Colonists video clip
- The D.C. Colonist makes his baseball debut!
- DCist Covers the Colonist
- DC Colonists - Flyer & Press Release
- The D.C. Colonist in the Washington Post
- The Colonist in the Post
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- It's Official....
- a Great B.A.D. Day
- B.A.D. Day Schedule
- B.A.D. Day is tomorrow
- B.A.D. Day Call to Action!
- its starting to get B.A.D.