Worked on this “New Map” nearly all Memorial Day… took 12 hours to complete!
It’s a 269 year enrichment, errr, a cartographic memorial? Continue reading:

The idea behind this map was to take a high-resolution scan of an antique map and add some of my Geospatial Art to it. I had been recently looking at some of the antique maps at the Yale University Library, but did not have the proper program to convert their maps to a usable file format (so annoying). But after finding a map which had “New Map” in it’s title, I knew that this map was too good to pass up! So I found & downloaded Graphic Converter and was able to properly convert the file format (jp2000) to a more managable format.
Once I started using the editing program, I first changed around the lettering on the top of the map to arrange the original text to my new text:
A New Map of the Terraqueous Globe : according
to the the Ancient discoveries and most general Divisions of it into CONTINENTS and OCEANS
modified to:
A New Map of the Terraqueous Globe : according
to the the Ancient discoveries and most general Divisions of Geospatial Art
This took quite a lot longer than expected- matching 300 year old fonts is not easy! It wasn’t until about an hour into the project that I realized that the letter S in the middle of words shows up as a lowercase f without the cross (thats not Geofpatial, but Geospatial). The shading and rearrangement took about 5 hours of tedious tone matching and honestly, there were a few times I almost quit the project! But I didn’t…..
Once I was able to get the lettering right, I imported the central circle of Oakland Quilt #4 (a fractal map) and pasted it into the Eastern Hemishpere (covering the text “unknown to the ancients” !! ).
I chose Oakland Quilt #4 because it was one of the full-sized, high-resolution maps I had on my computer and it just so happened to be located in a place on the map that is misdrawn- oh yes, the Island of California!
Well actually, it’s the city hall of Oakland, California after 3 tessellations. I had to rotate the mandala slightly and adjusted the height & width ratio so that it would fit inside the hemisphere and corresponded to the lines of latitude and longitude. This adjustment made the lines of symmetry of the hexagon quilt projection (the “most general division of Geospatial Art“) line up near 0, 30, 60, and 90 degrees on the map (you can see the close-up in the details below) . I find this to be one of the coolest aspects of this creation; the use of radial geometry in a spherical context (the Eastern Hemisphere) and having the degrees match up so well after 269 years (math doesn’t age).
Finally, in the central stone next to the Rubenesque soldier with boobs, bottom-center, I removed the original text “William Duke of Gloucester” and kept “Dedicated to His Highness.” I was going to rearrange the lettering to dedicate the map to KING GEORGE (the dude who lives a few blocks away), but chose to keep the box empty. I also added my name and Washington, DC next to the text of “Delin. M. Burghers sculpt. Univ. Oxon,” in the lower left-hand corner and lastly, like the DC Quadrant map in Latin, I added “Anno Domini MMVII,” in the lower right hand corner.
Overall, I am quite pleased with how this map turned out. I saved it in such a way that I can place any map over the Eastern Hemisphere (or Western) and use this “New Map” as a template for future maps. Best of all, I have quite a few more antique maps to sample :-)

from the Library Entry
Author: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727.
Title: A new map of the terraqueous globe : according to the latest discoveries and most general divisions of it into continents and oceans.
Published: [Oxford : s.n., 1726 or 1738]
Description: 1 map ; 37 x 51 cm.
https://maps.library.yale.edu/images/public/11_1701_A_World.jp2Location: SML, Map Collection, Locked, Room 707 (Non-Circulating)
Call Number: 11 1701ACartographic detail: Scale not given.
Local notes: Cross collection no. 31.
Notes: “Dedicated to His Highness William Duke of Gloucester.”
Delin. M. Burghers sculpt. Univ. Oxon.
Double hemisphere on sheet in outline, with rivers, capes and island marked but few other place names.
Plate mark 2 was added below the dedication plinth for the editions in 1726 and 1738.
References: Shirley, R. The mapping of the world, 1472-1700, plate 420.
Subjects (Library of Congress): World maps –Early works to 1800.
Also listed under: Wells, Edward, 1667-1727. New sett of maps both of antient and present geography…
Burghers, M.
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- WAR SIGNS IN THE STARS : Our Country's Horoscope Says There Will Be Peace - The Washington Times, April 10, 1898
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- S280 - A Bill To Repeal an Act Entitled ''An Act to Retrocede the County of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia, to the State of Virginia" - United States Senate, April 23, 1866
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- Advertisement for the Barnum and London Circus in Athletic Park, Washington, DC - The National Republican, May 3rd, 1884
- The Full Text Of An Act for the Release of certain Persons held to Service or Labor in the District of Columbia
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