Its been a couple years since I made a map of the Adams Morgan neighborhood in Washington, DC [wiki]. The first quilt of Adams Morgan deviated from my normal practice at the time because I modified the colors in the source imagery and the second quilt was a completely experimental map (which I have yet to revisit).
This time around I decided to go all out and make a whole series of Adams Morgan quilts using 8 different tessellations to create 8 unique maps of the area. The result shows that even when the exact same source imagery is used in each map, the nature of the tessellation creates a completely new design for the area.
Similar to the 4 maps I created for U Street in 2005, where the tessellations were labeled Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, and Southeast, the tessellations for the Adams Morgan quilts use these same tiling methods, but also include the 90 degree rotation for each tile, to create a total 8 different tessellations.
Unlike the U Street Series which only featured the Dodecagon Quilt Projection, this series features 2 Hexagons, 2 Squares, 2 Diamonds, and 2 Octagons, making a great example of the types of geometry found in the Quilt Projection.
One of the reasons why I decided to make the series for Adams Morgan (of all places in DC) was that I figured that a lot of people enjoy going to and living in Adams Morgan and thus people would be interested in possibly obtaining one or more of these maps. I also was under the impression that I was going to beat Google to the map, which would make these maps slightly more unique because people would be looking at future (assuming that Google would eventually update their servers with this same imagery).
However as I started to snoop around in Google Maps I found that they had already updated their servers for much of the DC area. Moreover, there was a lot more to their update that had been covered by any bloggers or in the media. I am going to be saving this analysis for an upcoming entry because I think it’s quite interesting and even newsworthy.
View the Google Map of the Adams Morgan neighborhood in Washington, DC