Click the image below to download the .kmz file [7.8 mb] for Google Earth:
Using the center of 710 & 405 Quilt, which is in the Los Angeles Interchanges series, I constructed this beautiful globe.
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Like Adams Morgan Earth, this globe uses the same tessellation format. Similar to the experiments I did with Polar Coordinates, I’d like to make a series of globes that showcase the differences in globes with respect to the tessellation process. I believe there are quite a few different types of globes I can produce, hence the name of today’s map: Interchangable Earth, which takes its name from the series and the fact that I can, without downloading any new imagery, make at least 300 of these globes using only my previously made maps.
Release Notes:
1) Please be patient! The tessellation is 7.8 megabytes and will take a moment to download and a moment to load into Google Earth
2) The size of the tessellation might slow down some older computers which might have problems loading an 7.9 mb file
3) The zoom-in capabilities are limited because the file does not contain close-up details
4) It looks best when every other layer has been turned off
5) Read number one again
Related Globes:
- My Weekend in Photos [8/22-8/24]
- Interchangable Earth
- Terra Fermi
- Adams Morgan Earth
- An Interactive Astrological Calendar from 1544 for Google Earth
Related to Google Earth:
- Montpelier Quilt #3
- My Artist Talk At The Old Print Gallery
- Randle Highlands VS Fort Dupont [Antique Overlay of an Anacostia Alternative Future]
- My New York Map Society Presentation at the New York Public Library
- Featured on-line with the Maps exhibition at the Walters Museum
- Before there was Google Earth, there was Keyhole
- Popular GIS Slideshow by Chris Hammond-Thrasher [March 07]
- Oil Wells in Los Angeles 103 years ago [One Slick Overlay]
- Within Sight of the White House [Overlay of Hooker's Division]
- (Mecca) is now Makkah
- Found Celestial Cartography
- Interchangable Earth
- Terra Fermi
- Adams Morgan Earth
- The Astro-Theological Overlays for Google Earth
- An Interactive Astrological Calendar from 1544 for Google Earth
- 3D Buildings at the expense of newer imagery?
- Google's View of D.C. Melds New and Sharp, Old and Fuzzy - Washington Post
- A new change in Washington, DC's imagery on Google's servers
- DC Area Farmers Markets
- Found Geospatial Art
- Star Series - BETA
- Confluence Project meets Google Earth
- Change in DC imagery in Google's servers
- Baghdad Imagery change in Google Earth
- Google Earth review
- Google Earth is here!
Related to Polar Coordinates:
- A periodic shift in Polar Roses for Valentines Day
- Polar Coordinates of the Delmar Loop in University City, Missouri [icositetragon]
- Polar Coordinates of Harvard University [dodecagon]
- Polar Coordinates of the George Washington University [octagon]
- Polar Coordinates of the Super Dome in New Orleans, Louisiana [hexagon]
- Polar Coordinates of Charleston, West Virginia [diamond]
- Polar Coordinates of Austin, Texas [square]