Screen grab of Stellarium with the constellations art layer turned on
Two screen grabs below with the azimuthal & equatorial grids turned on:
- Reading The Stars - Tacoma Times, September 1st, 1917
- WAR SIGNS IN THE STARS : Our Country's Horoscope Says There Will Be Peace - The Washington Times, April 10, 1898
- The Noyes Armillary Sphere Described In The Historic American Buildngs Survey #532
- Armillary Sphere Donated to 'Federal City' by Author; Ancient Astronomical Device Links Early Chinese to Modern Americans - The Washington Post, November 10, 1936
- What the Stars Tell of The Times - The Washington Times, February 9, 1896
- Harvest Moon in Washington, DC Timelapse Video
- Gloria Immortalis Labore Parta
- The Precessional Pentagram of Venus
- A New & Somewhat Accurate Map of the Tropic of Gemini and the Tropic of Sagittarius
- Tabvla Festorvm - Table of important Catholic dates from Opera Mathematica
- Gregorius XIII - Pont(ifex) Opt(imus) Maximus / Anno Restituto MDLXXXII
- The Vicissitude of the Seasons Explained
- Jupiter traveling through the night sky of Washington, DC
- The Use of the Analemma - As explained around 1780
- A New & Arabesque Map of the Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden
- Astrophotography by Anthony Ayiomamitis - Analemma with the Parthenon
- The first glimpse of Mercury's horizon
- Staring at the Sun in Stellarium
- The Grand Design Lenz Quilt
- Messier 101 Mandala [birth/death of a star]
- Tessellated Space
- Moon Mars Conjunction
- Seen in the night sky last week
- (Mecca) is now Makkah
- Tycho Brahe's Armillary Spheres
- Holy See an Armillary Sphere?
- Found Celestial Cartography
- An updated Armillary Sphere
- The Astro-Theological Overlays for Google Earth
- An Updated Astrological Calendar from 1544 - Eastern Hemisphere
- An Updated Astrological Calendar from 1544 - Western Hemisphere