Featured Above: USF and U Street
People in Washington, DC are not equal to the rest of America based on congressional representation
Upon seeing this announcement, I decided to submit a one of my interactive mapping environments to the Medialab-Prado‘s Second Inclusiva-net Meeting: Digital Networks and Physical Space. I also proposed a collaborative workshop that would involve taking antique maps of Spain and overlaying them in Google Earth. I think it would be a fun project to see how much Madrid has changed in the last 100 years; much like finding oil in Los Angeles and hookers in DC.
I chose Interactive Inequality #3 because I think it will be fun to explain the concept of disenfranchisement and that it contains over 50,000 viewing combinations. Click.
Update 2/8/08
My proposal was not accepted. I kinda know why. My proposal was pretty slapdash. Next time spend more than 4 hours putting something together.