The photos below document some of what I saw on Friday, Saturday, and early Sunday morning.
View the rest of the photographs:
Ben’s Chili Bowl 50th Anniversary Celebration:

Press conference setup

Delegate Eleanor Holmes-Norton, the Ali family, and city councilmembers

Dr. Birthday performing at Capitol Hemp

Shoe company Simple has a strange map of the Isle of Santa Barbara on their shoe box:

Inflatable globe at a house party surrounded by empty cups after guests played flip-cup

My friend was given a six pack of Miller High Life when we arrived at the party. After handing out some of the beers he affixed the remaining beer to his pocket and I noticed that it matched his shoes. I framed the photo to show a barefoot Pakistani woman for some ironic comparison. When we left the party she and her friends were speaking Urdu in the backyard and people we passed by in the front yard were speaking French.

Bicycle parking in front of 7-11. “Hey mom, no lock!”

A DECOY heart in the Raven bathroom.

Orange scented, NASCAR endorsed, lighter fluid. Because oranges always make the grill smell better? I couldn’t help but be troubled by the what extra chemicals that are probably being added to someone’s food when using a product like this.

A katydid somehow made it up to my 3rd floor deck to say hello.

Dancing to deep house with friends on U Street.

Self-Portrait with a 6 second exposure. After the flash I rotated my head and it created a Janus-like double-exposure.

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