When I told my mom about going to Denver she mentioned that she & my step-father had been hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park earlier the week before and had spotted a black bear for the first time. When they were hiking down the trail they came across this black bear chowing down on termites in the trunk of the tree. They waited for awhile before the bear walked off. She sent me these two photographs for proof.

Last month I was in Rocky Mountain National Park for 24 Hours and didn’t see any large wildlife.
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- YouTube Video: Last Weekend in 25 Video Clips
- World Wildlife Fund's Zoomorphic Fantasy Maps
- Birds of Colorado: The Stellar's Jay
- Birds of Colorado: The Hairy Woodpecker
- Birds of Colorado: The Pine Siskin
- Elk outside of Rocky Mountain National Park
- Photos of Dorothy the neighborhood doe and her friendly herd
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- A Polar Bear In Denver
- A Black Bear in Rocky Mountain National Park
- A video of an American Goldfinch eating my sunflower's seeds
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- Remedia Amoris / The Cure For Love by Ovid
- An anthropomorphic reflection on society
- the wildlife of an idea
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