I was at a house party over the weekend and went to the bathroom to relieve myself. As I was unzipping my fly, I looked up and saw the map in magazine on top of the toilet and an old joke came into my mind: When you go into the bathroom you are an American. When you leave the bathroom, you are an American. What are you in the bathroom? Now the answer to the joke/riddle is funny (if you are in the 5th grade) and simple: European aka You’re a pee’in’ (get it?!)
I’ve been trying to take photographs of found maps with my camera and this one was too funny to pass up. By combining that lame humor with the fact that map in the magazine above shows most of the western hemisphere, I decided to switch out the word “‘peein” and add the word “nation,” hence, “Urination or You’re A Nation!” ….Rimshot…. Talk about taking the piss…
Hopefully that lame joke was the only “Rim shot” … at least for your friend’s sake. :)
Comment by Jaynuze — 10/29/2008 @ 9:24 pm
I’m glad someone got that double entendre :-)
Comment by blog@nikolasschiller.com — 10/29/2008 @ 9:54 pm