Today we drove up a snow-covered County Road 96 outside of Lake George, Colorado to the 11 Mile Canyon Dam. The photograph above was taken from the edge of the restricted area near the Spillway campground (see map below). It shows the face of the 153 foot tall 11 Mile Canyon Dam that was constructed in 1932. The water from this dam forms the South Platte River, which flows through the city of Denver and supplies a substantial amount of the city’s drinking water from reservoirs further downstream.

My mom and stepdad showed us the place where they rockclimbed over the summer. One of the stops along the road was the rock face where my mom fell before her wedding this summer. It’s located near the Riverside campground on this map:

After looking at the dam from Google Maps, I found it very interesting that the County Road 96 is not listed on the map near the dam, only farther up the road near Lake George. However, it is listed on Yahoo Maps and Map Quest throughout the canyon.
Below is a photograph of a random rockface in the canyon.