These are my links for March 12th:
- It’s Really Simple; Be Valuable and You Will Be Valued – the paradox of this, of course, is finding or estimating one's self-worth.
- Google Reader starts a conversation – You can now comment on my Shared Items from Google Reader…
- Who killed the electric grid? – How many extra power plants do we need to build if we introduce electric cars on a large scale? According to ecotech advocates, that matter is solved: none. Electric vehicles can be charged at night.
Many power plants have a surplus of energy during the night ("off-peak production capacity") because demand is low and generators keep spinning. Therefore, if we all start driving electric cars, oil consumption will plummet to zero and electricity production will remain the same.
However, not all electric vehicles will be charged at night – and it takes a surprisingly small amount of fast-charging cars during peak hours to take the electricity infrastructure down.
- Why We Immunize – details on the most common immunizations: Hepatitis B, Polio, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Haemophilus influenzae type B, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Chicken Pox…. Makes me want to get re-immunized!
- The Seven Deadly Sins of my spam trap – made me chuckle…