These are my shared links for April 8th
- Making Advocacy & Humanitarian Maps – What map does not advocate, or argue for something? We are always calling maps to our aid. Three free books on maps and advocacy have been made available for download recently, and are worth a look.
- Food Decorating Pen – cupcake lovers take note!
- Manhattan Euro – Artist Ronald van Tienhoven (1956) captured the dynamics of 400 years of Netherlands-Manhattan in his design of the Manhattan fiver. The front side shows, next the a coin-in-coin likeness of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, the precise structures of Manhattan in 2009. Thanks to modern technology, the artist was able to minutely depict Southern Manhattan in 3D. On the back side you can see and feel the landscape of Manhattan in 1609, represented faithfully thanks to scientific research by the Wildlife Conservation Society of New York.