As I predicted last week, Russia Today continued their somewhat unusual promotion of the 9/11 Truth Movement during the 8th anniversary of 9/11. Instead of producing one or two news reports, which I expected (specifically one about the Van Jones resignation), the news organization produced no less than seven in the last week. On the flip side, there wasn’t many other articles or videos produced by any of the major news organizations in the same period that address the questions surrounding the world changing event. As I posited last week, I am still curious as to why Russia Today continues to be the only news organization covering this contentious topic. Does the Russian government believe in the conspiracy theory? Does the Russian government hope to destabilize America by producing propaganda that makes American’s question the official story? I still don’t know, but I think its important to understand why no other news organization, privately owned or state sponsored, is aggressively reporting this issue as much as Russia Today.
Below are the YouTube videos Russia Today produced in the last week:
9/11 Truth Revolution
September 14, 2009
9/11 truth protests fill New York on the 8th anniversary of the worst tragedy in America’s modern history. RT’s Anastasia Churkina follows the hundreds of people who are still not getting the answers they want.
[Watch on YouTube]
Questions about 9/11
September 14, 2009
Learn more at
[Watch on YouTube]
‘Part of US government and Congress lied about 9/11’
September 11, 2009
There is a war in Afghanistan going on, and if what I believe in is true, [it] has been created artificially, like the war in Iraq: as consequences of the lie [about 9/11], says Giulietto Chiesa, an EU MP, 2004-2009.
[Watch on YouTube]
‘Stop the 9/11 cover-up’
September 11, 2009
American citizens are pounding the streets, still searching for answers because the official version of the 9/11events has failed to satisfy many people, and there are calls for a fresh investigation into the tragedy.
[Watch on YouTube]
‘Hush-hush 9/11 inquiry was immoral’
September 11, 2009
The last man out of the WTC on 9/11 sits down for an exclusive interview with RT’s Anastasia Churkina to talk about the truth behind the tragedy, the questions still unanswered and the reasons for the skeletons in the closet.
[Watch on YouTube]
Kevin Barrett 9/11 – ‘Van Jones should’ve done what I did!’
September 11, 2009
Controversial 9/11 truth seeker Kevin Barret sits down for an exclusive interview with Anastasia Churkina.
[Watch on YouTube]
Rage and Inquisition surrounds 8th Anniversary of September 11th Attacks
September 11, 2009
As America marks the 8th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, New Yorkers rush the streets demanding answers and explanation as to why and how the Twin Towers collapsed. Citizens are pushing for a new 9/11 independent investigation.
[Watch on YouTube]
The tags used in this post were copied from each of Russia Today’s YouTube videos