To accentuate this stupidity of 1/3 representation, I also made an animated version.
(with the 110th Congress HR 5388 was reintroduced as HR 328– and it’s still unconstitutional)
One-Third Related:
• DC 1/3 Vote
• New DC License Plates
The New DC Flag…if HR 328 passes…
|| 2/11/2007 || 10:26 pm || Comments Off on The New DC Flag…if HR 328 passes… || ||
To accentuate this stupidity of 1/3 representation, I also made an animated version.
(with the 110th Congress HR 5388 was reintroduced as HR 328– and it’s still unconstitutional)
One-Third Related:
• DC 1/3 Vote
• New DC License Plates
ABC 7 Covers the D.C. Colonist…
|| 9/16/2006 || 9:24 pm || Comments Off on ABC 7 Covers the D.C. Colonist… || ||
albeit for a brief moment outside with the largest DC flag…
it’s so annoying when they have 30 minutes of footage, but cut it down to 5 seconds. I wish I could have that footage. It’s not like the footage will be used anytime soon….Sam and his camerawoman were the only news crew to cover the antics outside two hours before the hearing began.
Taxation Without Representation Google Map
|| 6/14/2006 || 10:07 pm || Comments Off on Taxation Without Representation Google Map || ||
This google map plots 51 DC flags around the U.S. Capitol. When the flags are clicked a random fact about America’s last continental colony pops up. You can open the source HTML to read them all quickly. I obtained some of the facts and figures from DC Vote and I sent the list out to the members of the DC Statehood Green Party for feedback. The result is what I think is one of the first political google map mashups. Have fun!
Washington Post: Red, White and Golden Arches: The Star-Spangled Banner Ad
|| 7/4/2004 || 5:23 pm || Comments Off on Washington Post: Red, White and Golden Arches: The Star-Spangled Banner Ad || ||
This photograph & article appeared on the front page of the Style section July 4th, 2004
Red, White and Golden Arches: The Star-Spangled Banner Ad
By Tommy Nguyen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, July 4, 2004; Page D01As waves of stars and stripes flood the city’s Fourth of July celebrations, Nikolas Schiller knows that the subtle redesign of his American flag will appear only as a tiny ripple on the sea, if it isn’t swallowed up completely. Doesn’t matter, he says. Schiller plans to be on the Mall today, by himself, with his makeshift flagpole and his skinny, 5-foot-9 vegetarian frame planted firmly against the tide.
“When people see all these corporate symbols, it sparks conversation, and that’s the beauty of this flag,” says Schiller, 23, a recent graduate of George Washington University. He’s talking about the swoosh of Nike, the beast of burden of Camel, the great eye of CBS, and 27 other corporate logos that, in Schiller’s world, have replaced the stars on America’s great tapestry in more ways than one.
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Redacted Flag
|| 7/5/2005 || 7:44 am || Comments Off on Redacted Flag || ||
I didn’t make down to the National Mall for the fireworks last night. I opted to stay far far away from the crowds of people down there. Instead my friends and I went to a few house parties in Adams Morgan and we watched the fireworks from the rooftop of the Adams Morgan strip. I think we were on top of the block from Tom Tom to around Bossa- it was PIMP- just as cool as the penthouse in Rosslyn last year! I love the ability to walk along connected rooftops!
As we made our way back to my house for some post fireworks festivities, we ran into my neighbor who had just returned from the National Mall. We also had run into her earlier in the day as we were heading to the Nats game! She showed me the flag (above) that she had been given while on the mall for the festivities. She also pointed out that little black line in the bottom left corner of the flag. To my astonishment, this flag, which was given out to probably over 100,000+ spectators, was blacked out because it said “Made In China.”
This is piss poor judgment on behalf of those who organized the celebration! I mean COME ON! You’d think they’d have the smarts to hand out flags made in America on the 4th of July, right? Worse is that there had to be someone who went through all of flags and redacted the flags before they were handed out.
If you add what happened at RFK Stadium earlier in the day, I will remember this 4th of July as the least patriotic American anniversary I’ve ever experienced. I had a fun time at least :)