: rendered at 18,000 X 12,000 :

Eh, after 23 hours of processing time, I wish this rendering turned out better. It looks cool, I mean after 3 hours of trying to move around the infinite planes so they’d look right before I set the scene to render, I still am not as happy as I should be with this rendering. I think it boils down to the source imagery itself… I mean, I’ve been really digging the recent Boston imagery, with its acquired/found colorful nature, and this imagery just doesn’t look as cool as what I’ve been making as of late.
Granted the Minneapolis Convention center looks cool the way it reflects, but I guess this rendering simply lacks the variations of color I desire. I could always manipulate the imagery in photoshop a bit more, and maybe I just might start doing this, but I sincerely like the concept of not modifying the colors of the imagery before rendering. By not doing so I can always modify the final product, yet the final product can be influenced by the coloration I do ahead of time…. I’ve been considering doing something similar using black & white imagery, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet….soon…
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