Its been one of those days where you have so much planned to get done and none of it gets done and you can’t quite figure out why. Sometimes this baffles to me. However, I did get my closet cleaned up and in the process found some classic clothing circa 1995. I don’t understand my predilection for oversized clothing. It seems all of my clothing from middle school was extra-large! I am roughly the same size now and I can’t believe what possessed me to wear such oversized clothing! Must have been that poser skater! At least I found some hot striped tops from my father that were made circa 1985! I am going to wear one tomorrow…
I did get my confirmation e-mail back from the organizers of the Green Festival. It looks like I am going to be “greening the festival” on Sunday- what ever that means, I’ll find out tomorrow night.
This rendering is of Bolivian rainforests, specifically areas in which the rainforest has been clear-cut by farmers. You can see exactly the amount of land that has been damaged by human involvement. Up next is a satellite image of a cloud vortex created by fast moving low laying clouds colliding with a mountain peak. …Man I miss the mountains….