: rendered at 18,000 X 12,000 :

After reading over the meta-data from both the 2004 & 2006 datasets of the Los Angeles orthoimagery, I discovered that the 2006 imagery is scanned from printed photographs taken in 2001! That is, the photography was taken 2001 by the USGS, printed out, then scanned (at 1700 DPI) & processed in 2006 by AirPhotoUSA, and then released into the public domain. I could be wrong, but that is my analysis of the meta-data. I assume this was done because the inferior quality of the 2004 imagery in regards to the shadows. Lastly, when looking at the Google Map of the stadium (which uses the same imagery as this map), they incorrectly state that the imagery is copyrighted to Sanborn.
View the Google Map of Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, California.
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