: rendered at 12,000 X 8,000 :

As I learned before, its always better to over-project than to under-project, however there is a caveat to over projection- that being my computer can handle files that are below about 25,000 pixels. I have gone higher, but in the end, I can’t fit the final compressed output on to a CD easily. So why make something so large that I cannot feasibly back it up? Tha’s why I’ve chosen to stick to the 18,000 by 12,000 file size. The trick to the over projection process is to make sure that the tessellation (source imagery) appears in the scene the appropriate number of times, and if not, I scale the scene so that the final product will be as close to 1:1 as possible. Alas, I really like this map, and I think the next one, which uses the already rotated source imagery, will look great!
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