I think the screen grab from the LA Times sums up my feelings. You have an advertisement for Obama’s candidacy next to a photograph of Obama with his vice presidential selection Senator Joe Biden (D-Delaware). It’s as though the election has already been bought and paid for without any votes really being cast.
Years ago I made a pact that I would not vote for anyone who unconstitutionally & illegally gave president George Bush the authority to invade Iraq. Obama’s vice presidential selection voted for the war and so did Hilary Clinton. In all there were 23 senators and 133 representatives who courageously cast a vote against the war that would have been better vice presidential candidates.
Cynthia McKinney is only candidate running for president of the United States who voted against the war. She showed leadership six years ago, unlike Obama or Biden. Where were they before the war started? McKinney was at the anti-war demonstrations speaking up and clearly showing what it is to be a leader in America and that’s why I’ll be voting for her.
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|| 4/8/2008 || 4:52 pm || Comments Off on ABSOLUT STATEHOOD || ||
Screen grab links to .kmz file for Google Earth
A geovisual response to an LA Times blog entry showing mostly isolationist responses to an alternative history map of North America by Absolut Vodka.
This interactive map for Google Earth shows the familiar Absolut Vodka bottle labeled “Absolut Statehood” and placed inside of the original boundaries of the District of Columbia. These boundaries existed until 1847 after the residents of Virginia voted to cede back the portion of the District of Columbia that was west of the Potomac River.
Absolut Statehood represents the cartographic notion that the nation’s capital can become America’s 51st state*. Today there are over 550,000 American citizens living in the nation’s capital that are being denied the fundamental right of representation in Congress. This ongoing human rights violation currently practiced by the government of the United States has been denounced by the United Nations, the Organization of American States, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. The United States is the only country in the industrialized world that forbids the residents of it’s capital city the right to elect representatives to their national legislature.