I haven’t posted anything in a few days because I’ve been working on backing up all the maps I made in 2006 (and the few I’ve made thus far in 2007). I mentioned before that I had over 50 maps to back up from 2006 and I’m proud to say that I have now caught up with the past and I’m 99% up to date!
A few years ago when I first started to back up my maps I created a special excel file to document each map’s respective CD number (currently at CD #356 ) as well as specific meta-data I thought was useful. Each map was backed up twice on two CDs and I would add the corresponding CD number to the excel file. When I started adding the quilt projection maps to the excel file I also began to include the dimensions of the map as well as the shape of the quilt. I recently started to back up on each CD the source aerial photography, the tessellation(s), the on-line imagery (what you see on this website), the 9,000 Xx 6,000 reduced .jpg (what you’d purchase from my on-line store), and the full-size TIFF (18,000 x 12,000 in size and usually between 400 to 600 megabytes each).
One of the nice aspects of using a spreadsheet to catalog my maps is that I am able to tally up various aspects of what I have backed up thus far. This morning I decided to see how large the quilt project would be if each map was printed out at 150 DPI and lined up end to end. The result was nearly a half mile of maps:
the 262 Quilts are 4,576,597 pixels wide
at 150 dots per inch (DPI) that equals:
4,576,597 / 150 = 30,511 inches
30,511in / 12in = 2,542 feet (a lil under a half mile)
(And that is just the quilt projection!!!)
I still need to go back add start adding the dimensions of the rest of the maps I’ve backed up. I wouldn’t doubt that I’m approaching almost a mile of maps…. or at least be close.
As for what’s next; I’m not sure at the moment. I waiting on correspondence from a few libraries concerning the use of their historic maps. I’m attempting to find out if they can be legally sampled for new maps. Moreover, if they can be sold as special editions or if they can only be used for educational purposes. I’ll find out soon enough.
Downloaded Boulder, Colorado in honor of an old camp friend who came to visit me recently.