This website contains both public domain & copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the original copyright owner. Nikolas R. Schiller is making such material available in his efforts to advance a better understanding of political issues, art, geography, environmental policy, economic issues, humanitarian issues, scientific issues, and social justice issues, etc. Nikolas R. Schiller believes this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law ( If you are the owner of copyrighted content currently featured on this website and do not believe such use is ‘fair use’ please contact Nikolas R. Schiller.
The digital content created by Nikolas R. Schiller that is featured on this website is free to distribute and use for non-commercial personal or educational use. Many images contain a watermark used by Nikolas R. Schiller and it is requested that you do not remove this from any content, unless permitted to do so. Resizing and cropping of images is permitted for formatting purposes as long as the image is properly cited.
If you would like to republish content created by Nikolas R. Schiller in an on-line format, please provide your readers with a proper citation:
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{ image name } by Nikolas R. Schiller
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