So last night I went to Club 5ive to see Storm & Fierce as a part of the FIVE:DNB:Sessions series. I was kinda bored by the DJ’s sets (Storm was a bit off on her mixing), but what really made the night was finding out that I was mentioned in this month’s issue of Rinse Magazine. It turns out that my old friend Mary Ishimoto Morris wrote an article about the DC Drum & Bass scene and she mentioned old radio show at WRGW. She even spelled my name “N!k” which I thought was cute. I would have probably known about it being printed if I would have been checking my other e-mail account that deals with DC DnB. Nonetheless, I was told about the article by my friend & DJ replacement at WRGW, so it made the article slightly more poignant.
On somewhat related note, shortly after I got my haircut, when I was looking in the City Paper, I saw the ad for the event and I had a quick moment of dyslexia and thought it said “Fierce Storm.” The lame junglist irony is that it was raining outside due to the remnants of a fierce storm called Hurricane Frances.
In my last post I mentioned the greening of the city, and very related to that, I am excited about going to the Green Festival, which is set to take place on September 18th & 19th. I signed up to volunteer some of my time to help out. I am also eager to see Greg Palast, Naomi Klein, and Amy Goodman speak at the convention. Also I am looking forward to seeing the various booths at the convention center because I want more information on various green businesses. I have an invention idea that has been circulating in my head for about a month that is somewhat related to one of my older concepts.
There is also another event taking place in DC that weekend that I plan on attending. My professional society, the Association of American Geographers is having a conference titled so aptly, “Conference on Race/Ethnicity and Place.” I also plan on volunteering some time at this event as well. I had a blast at the “Mapping the News” conference back on May 15th. I really hope to make some good contacts at this event, and hopefully I can convince some random professionals to come to the Green Festival. I mean, those that have a deep understanding of geography should know the importance of environmental sustainability. I wonder if I could add a flyer for the Green Festival in the gift bags- lol.
About the two renderings- Since I don’t have my other external hard drive hooked up, which has my cache of satellite images, I used the two images I did have on my iMac- the unedited Dutch Delta graphic & a four paneled reflection of downtown Manhattan. I made both of the toruses random samplings of the images and in the center I used the opposite graphic. I also decided to render the background white instead of black to change this up just a little bit. Overall, I am happy with how they turned out. I really like the complexity the random sampling gives, yet I wish I could have more control over how the sampling takes place in order to add more complexity to the torus. Nonetheless, the next rendering, which should be done in a few hours, will have both the inner and outer image randomized. I look forward to seeing how it turns out!