Below are the months of the calendar featuring cities around the United States and links to their respective entries so that you can see the map’s full size. Read more about the other calendars here.
2008 Urban America Calendar
|| 11/19/2007 || 11:43 am || Comments Off on 2008 Urban America Calendar || ||
Below are the months of the calendar featuring cities around the United States and links to their respective entries so that you can see the map’s full size. Read more about the other calendars here.
A Wrinkle in Chicago
|| 9/9/2007 || 1:05 pm || Comments Off on A Wrinkle in Chicago || ||
This map was made in homage of Madeleine L’Engle, who recently passed away. Her use of the word “tesseract” in a Wrinkle in Time had a epistemological effect on my curiosity for the science. This map was designed using two projections of downtown Chicago (including the Sears Tower). On the right is the Diamond projection and on the left is the Square projection. Of note is that its one of the few quilt projection maps that has visible lines of non-symmetry. Anyways, some day in the future I’d like to map the neighborhoods of Chicago. I think it would be a fun series to explore.
View the Google Map of downtown Chicago, Illinois.
A periodic shift in Polar Roses for Valentines Day
|| 2/14/2007 || 6:28 am || Comments Off on A periodic shift in Polar Roses for Valentines Day || ||
Last month I thoroughly explored the applications of geometric tessellations using the polar coordinate filter. After doing a bit more research I discovered how similar these “amazing circles” appear to be very similar to the sinusoidal curves of a Polar Rose. They use the equation:
In the original process I used to construct last month’s Polar Roses each interation added one tile to the entire panorama. I believe this represents the a in the equation. And after each iteration, there would be a new pedal added.
Today’s discovery is the realization of how these panoramas are wrapped around a cylinder to produce the pedals when the polar coordinate system is used. I’ve been working in whole numbers only, yet if the tiles are wrapped in a cylindrically fashion using a half shift, there will be a change in the pedal’s layout.
So to create this shift, half of one tile is removed on each end (notice above), and when they connect after being wrapped around a cylinder they still form a perfect tessellation and thus new pedal configuration when the filter is applied.
The result of this polar shift is quite interesting- a 90 degree rotation for each iteration.
View the 90 degree difference:
Shifted 90 degrees:
I can now apply this periodic shift to each of the geometries to produce a completely new set of Polar Roses. This should be interesting.
Temporal Stereography of Schiller Park, Illinois
|| 12/3/2006 || 4:47 pm || Comments Off on Temporal Stereography of Schiller Park, Illinois || ||
Tessellations of Time
Schiller Park Quilt 2002 || Schiller Park Quilt 2005
Some locations around the United States have high-resolution, color, aerial photography available from two specific periods of time, some entire states have none. Washington, DC has imagery of 2002 and 2005, however the 2005 imagery has not been released to public (I’m still waiting to see if NO WAR shows up on my roof!). All of my DC maps use the Feb 2002 imagery. Google currently uses imagery of Washington, DC that was taken probably in March or April of 2002 because the Mandarin Oriental Hotel is still semi-completed in both sets of imagery.
Chicago, on the other hand, also has available imagery taken in April of 2002 and April of 2005. So I obtained both years for the Village of Schiller Park, Illinois, which is located right outside of Chicago’s O’Hare airport. When preparing the imagery I made sure that they were identical tessellations, differing only in acquisition date. I attempted to match the tone as best as I could.
The idea behind this process was that when printed and hung next to each other, they would create a rudimentary stereoscopic projection that would look largely similar, but with temporal artifacts showing change in the built environment.
The one regret is rendering the maps at 9K x 6K instead of the normal 18K x 12K, I would have captured more detail from the source aerial photography. But aside from that, I am going to make more of these temporal diptychs when the imagery is available. I think it’s a unique method of showing time, space, place, and symmetry.
Ironically, even though both sets of imagery present Schiller Park in the recent past, those of you in Chicago are technically seeing the future, because Google will most likely update their servers with the same imagery I’m using. So in reality, you are looking at a map of the future!
Look closely and watch time bend.
Temporal Diptych of Schiller Park, Illinois – 2005
|| 11/30/2006 || 1:40 pm || Comments Off on Temporal Diptych of Schiller Park, Illinois – 2005 || ||
This imagery of 2005 is not yet on Google Maps or Windows Live Local… hence seeing it here first is kinda like seeing what will be seen in the future, while actually seeing an interpretation of the recent past. Time is relative anyways.
View the Temporal Diptych of Schiller Park, Illinois – 2002
View side by side as Stereographic Projection
View the Google Map of the Village of Schiller Park near Chicago, IL.
Temporal Diptych of Schiller Park, Illinois – 2002
|| 11/29/2006 || 10:08 pm || Comments Off on Temporal Diptych of Schiller Park, Illinois – 2002 || ||
Icositetragon of Northwestern Station in Chicago
|| || 10:28 am || Comments Off on Icositetragon of Northwestern Station in Chicago || ||
Yeah that’s right, an Icositetragon. It’s 24 sided polygon. I’ve made a few of these before, but never really got around to finding the actual name given to these polygons.
Originally titled “Sears Tower Quilt” when I started making it, I realized that the Citicorp Center created an interesting artifact in it’s reflection, so I went with it- 24 times to be exact. It creates the white “circle” in the center. However, in the process of making the polygon, the Sears Tower was pushed out of the frame and I opted to name it Northwestern Station Quilt. I’ve chosen to not use corporate naming convention (aka “Citicorp Center Quilt”) because over time the name will change (if the building is sold or comes under new management), and I’m betting the colloquial naming will last longer.
View the Google Map of the area around Northwest Station in Chicago, IL.
Grant Park Quilt
|| 11/21/2006 || 2:47 am || Comments Off on Grant Park Quilt || ||
View the Google Map of Grant Park in Chicago.
I think it’s the eruption of Buckingham Fountain from “Married with Children’s” opening sequence that does it for me. While I chose to name it Grant Park, I thought of calling it Millennium Park Quilt, which after looking at Google Map’s current imagery, I beat Google to the next Millennium, or at least to the Park by April of 2005 (my imagery’s acquisition date). Because of this, I am humbled to say I symmetrically remixed Frank Gehry‘s Pritzker Pavilion– in Google’s the current imagery the pavilion is still under construction…check the details…
I would have a second one, but due to a power outage, Grant Park Quilt #2 was offered to the gods of electricity as a humble sacrifice. I spent the day reading. Up next will be a fractal of this park.
Chicago Quilt #3
|| 2/10/2006 || 8:34 am || Comments Off on Chicago Quilt #3 || ||
Chicago Quilt #2
|| 2/9/2006 || 8:31 am || Comments Off on Chicago Quilt #2 || ||
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