Following up with my previous rendering of Hurricane Katrina titled “Katrina Quilt,” I decided to make a slightly different rendering using the Abstract series template with the same source imagery from NASA’s MODIS satellite.
Looking over all of the renderings I created last month, I realized I have been making far too many in the Quilt Project. Granted, I recently discovered a new way in which I can reflect the imagery immensely within the existing template, I’ve kinda gotten bored with so many renderings looking somewhat the same. Thus I changed it up a bit, make it a bit more Abstract. Like the previous rendering, I am putting this one up for sale to raise money for the diaster relief efforts.
Today I acquired some high resolution aerial photography from NOAA of downtown New Orleans. I’m going to set a scene to render before I got to bed.
view rendering detail:

For thousands of years, geographic images and maps have been powerful in the minds of humankind. Your work clearly shows that satellite imagery goes far beyond interpreting the landscape in a geography class, but they capture the heart and soul of a place, and an event. In so doing, you advance the reasons why geography is important, but even more significantly, show how we are all bound together on Spaceship Earth, and hence, why we need to protect it, and protect each other.
Comment by Joseph Kerski — 9/20/2005 @ 9:09 am