I was woken up this morning by a friend calling from Los Angeles. He’d missed his flight and needed someone to do sound for a rally at Lafayette Park (just north of the White House). Happy that it was a beautiful day, I obliged and proceeded to go to his office to pick up the sound system. When we arrived at the park we were greeted by a decent sized demonstration that was taking place on the other side of the park in support of a Free Tibet because the following day, March 10th, is the 50th anniversary of the 1959 Tibetan Uprising. As the Tibetan National Uprising Day Rally ended and the demonstrators started to march toward the Chinese Embassy, I got out my camera and filmed this:
Afterwards we set up the stage and about an hour later the SEUI‘s rally for the Employee Free Choice Act began. I snapped a couple pictures of the masks that were created by local designer Cesar Maxit:

After I got home from the rally I decided to search Twitter to see if there were any people who also attended the rally. Sure enough, I found someone from an industry front group that opposes the act decided to film the entire rally. All I can say is “Center For Union Facts” is a horrible name for a front group (not even worth linking to) and anyone who works at such an organization needs to reevaluate their priorities in life. Click here to watch the video. You can spot me in the lower left-hand side of the video making sure the sound is running at the right levels. Oh, and the Lobbyists photographed above come on around the point where there is 10 minutes left in the video. I found their theatrics to be quite humorous.