Below are the months of the calendar featuring cities around the United States and links to their respective entries so that you can see the map’s full size. Read more about the other calendars here.
2008 Urban America Calendar
|| 11/19/2007 || 11:43 am || Comments Off on 2008 Urban America Calendar || ||
Below are the months of the calendar featuring cities around the United States and links to their respective entries so that you can see the map’s full size. Read more about the other calendars here.
The Brandeis Brief
|| 9/30/2007 || 8:43 pm || Comments Off on The Brandeis Brief || ||
Sometimes I find juicy bits of historic text that I like. The other day I found “Right to Privacy” by Samuel D. Warren and Louis D. Brandeis published in the Harvard Law Review in 1890. I must say that I am quite interested in how much the notion of privacy has changed in the last 117 years.
Even gossip apparently harmless, when widely and persistently circulated, is potent for evil. It both belittles and perverts. It belittles by inverting the relative importance of things, thus dwarfing the thoughts and aspirations of a people. When personal gossip attains the dignity of print, and crowds the space available for matters of real interest to the community, what wonder that the ignorant and thoughtless mistake its relative importance. Easy of comprehension, appealing to that weak side of human nature which is never wholly cast down by the misfortunes and frailties of our neighbors, no one can be surprised that it usurps the place of interest in brains capable of other things.
Polar Coordinates of Harvard University [dodecagon]
|| 1/22/2007 || 9:31 am || Comments Off on Polar Coordinates of Harvard University [dodecagon] || ||
8 polar coordinate maps using a zoom of Harvard Quilt – NW.
Read more about the process involved to make these here.
View other maps of Harvard University.
Harvard Quilt – NE
|| 3/2/2006 || 8:59 am || Comments Off on Harvard Quilt – NE || ||
A friend of mine that I have been spending a lot of time with lately graduated from Harvard a few years ago. When I told her that I was going to make a map of Harvard she showed me which dorm she lived in. When I set up the tessellation I tried my best to place her dorm, the Dunster House, near the seam on the NE & NW tessellations. The SE & SW tessellations placed her dorm on the edges of the tessellation, so I haven’t got around to making those two maps yet, but I plan on it.
One of my favorite aspects of my map making activities is seeing how the final product turns out. Where will the seams line up? What buildings will get reflected along a line of symmetry? What part of the map will be the most beautiful? Will I find a random reflection? etc. etc. It turns out that this map and the following map, have her former dorm placed beautifully. I also broke away from the standard 2 / 3 / 4 seamed maps, and made 6 seamed map, and I must say that I very happy with how this map turned out. Check the details to see what I’m talking about!
View the Google Map of Harvard University
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Harvard Quilt – NW
|| 3/1/2006 || 9:28 pm || Comments Off on Harvard Quilt – NW || ||
Read my comments from the Harvard Quilt NE here.
View the Google Map of Harvard University
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Boston Mandala
|| 8/14/2005 || 11:23 pm || Comments Off on Boston Mandala || ||
This rendering differs from the rest of the Mandala Project because I rendered it in 3:2 aspect ratio instead of the regular square. I really like the way the high number of reflections create an optical illusion of a circle when the rendering is a series of reflected squares. Reminds me of that Jung quote I found…
Boston Quilt
|| 8/13/2005 || 8:49 pm || Comments Off on Boston Quilt || ||
I’m digging these Boston renderings too much! I am very happy with how it turned out and I am looking forward to the next Boston rendering. Should I throw it into a Lenz? I guess we’ll see…. Nonetheless, this probably one of my favorite renderings from the Quilt Project yet. Up next, of course, a Boston Mandala.
Boston Volcano
|| 8/11/2005 || 7:55 am || Comments Off on Boston Volcano || ||
This is my first rendering of “colorful” Boston. I obtained the “colorful” imagery from MassGIS and I really like the way the rendering turned out. I use the word “colorful” to denote how MassGIS has put together a bunch of different imagery, taken at different a bunch of different times, and made a patchwork mosaic out of it. The different colors represent a series of factors like what time of day the photograph was taken, the angle at which the overhead device took the picture, and even season in which the photograph was taken. Regardless, this patchwork approach looks great!
I used the same template as the Mall Mountain but I changed the angle to about 40 degrees to give an interesting sense of depth to the rendering. Yet, this graphic doesn’t look much like a volcano, more like a Greatful Dead tye-dye shirt! But I think I’ll be able to replicate this again using different imagery to make some interesting prints :-)
When I was riding my bike home from work today I came up with the idea of delving into some other geographic mediums. Instead of aerial & satellite imagery, why not use a topographic map? I bet the contour lines will make the rendering all more intricate! I don’t have anything in the render pipeline at the moment, but I’m going to snag an actual map tomorrow to see what I can come up with.
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