Earlier this week I decided to add this archived video to the repository known as YouTube. I’ve had it for 6 years now and decided to finally upload the video because I could not find anywhere else on-line. I still feel the message that we were delivering then is the same as now: don’t go into debt buying presents for others during the holiday season and if you must give presents, try making them first.
The article that was published in the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch regarding this demonstration was the first time my name appeared in newspapers. The story behind this video goes like this….
On October 2nd, 2002 I created a Yahoo Group dedicated to the planning of Buy Nothing Day in Saint Louis. After a few planning meetings and e-mail discussions, the members of group decided to create giant credit cards that we’d drag around the malls in the Saint Louis area. We also produced & handed out fliers with suggestions on how to avoid going into debt during the holiday season.
This video by Aaron Michaels highlights the news coverage we generated and documents the message we were advocating. The first part is a music video featuring a modified Christmas carol sung by Sara Lucas spliced with footage from the news & us dragging the cards and handing out fliers. The second part of the video features news clips & interviews with participants highlighting why chose to demonstrate. I show up around 4:35 into the video.
I haven’t gone out of the way to purchase gifts for my family this year. Its nice that we’ve stopped doing the gifts for nearly 10 years now. I am going to Colorado next week to visit some of my family and I feel my presence will be the best gift I can give to rarely-seen family. Interestingly, I think yesterday’s commissioned map follows closely with this video’s messaging because the client was asking me to make her a gift. It wasn’t like client decided to hitup Walmart for the gift that millions of others might get, rather she went for something that’s truly one of kind.
Related Adbusters Entries:
- YouTube Video of Saint Louis Buy Nothing Day 2002 by Aaron Michaels
- Hipster : The Dead End of Western Civilization By Douglas Haddow
- Al-Jazeera VS. CNN on Banksy's show in LA
- p3 continued...
- On Adbusters Magazine's Website
- DC Jammers
- September 3rd, 1967 - what have we learned?
- Adbusters on CNN
- Washington Post: Red, White and Golden Arches: The Star-Spangled Banner Ad
- In Adbusters Magazine Issue #51 - The Buy Nothing Day Blackspot
- Buy Nothing Day 2003
- Think Before You Buy - products by Philip Morris
- I am in the Saint Louis Post Dispatch!