Today I received my copy of Experimental Geography: Radical Approaches to Landscape, Cartography, and Urbanism by Nato Thompson and Independent Curators International. As I mentioned before, my Pentagon Quilt #3 was included in Daniel Tucker’s WE ARE HERE Map Archive that is featured in Independent Curators International traveling exhibition. The catalog for the exhibition and goes on sale next month when the exhibit starts its two year international tour. My map is on page 149 next to Lize Mogel & Dario Azzellini’s The Privatization of War: Colombia as Laboratory and Iraq as Large-Scale Application.
I find the size of the map in the book rather interesting. On one hand I wish it was larger, like a two page spread, but on the other hand, I like seeing exactly how a 1,800 x 1,200 pixel map looks printed because the map was supplied to publisher at exactly a 1 to 10 scale. I take scale very seriously, so seeing how the map looks printed out in this book means that I can also estimate the size of a future book of my own.
After thoroughly reading through the book, I’ve found one glaring error in the index. My last name is incorrectly spelled as Schiler on the index heading of Pentagon Quilt #3. It would have been nice if they would have included my full name on it’s own index listing (as opposed to only the name of the map) because other authors & map makers received their own index heading. If there is a second edition of the book, I hope they make those two corrections.
Related Pentagon Maps:
- My Record Cover Was Featured On Current TV Last Night
- The Pentagon Timelapse Animated GIF (2001-2005)
- On page 149 of Experimental Geography: Radical Approaches to Landscape, Cartography, and Urbanism by Nato Thompson and Independent Curators International
- Interviews with Alex Jones at the DNC in Denver and other videos
- My map of the Pentagon to be featured in the "We Are Here" Map Archive in the touring exhibition "Experimental Geography" [2008-2010]
- A New Map of the Pentagon
- The Pentagon Spheres
- Pentagon Quilt #4
- Pentagon Quilt #3
- My first album cover: Thievery Corporation - "Supreme Illusion"
- Pentagon Quilt #2
- Pentagon Quilt
- Code Pink Pentagon