Following in the same vein as my previous code-based t-shirts, this iteration uses the HTML character code for the spacebar, %20, as a figure of speech. Oftentimes when someone gives you a URL that includes a space between the characters, there is an automatic %20 that gets inserted. For example, https://nikolasschiller.com/example/this is awesome.jpg would automatically be converted to https://nikolasschiller.com/example/this%20is%20awesome.jpg because spaces in URLs are actually the HTML character code %20. Therefore the shirt above can be read two different ways: give me some space or give me some %20. For those without the basic understand of HTML, they’ll probably want to know what %20 is– a tax, a new band, 1/5 of something, etc. and for those who understand HTML, maybe they might take a step back.
Related Fashion Entries:
- Designed Two New Shirts
- Give Me Some %20 (space) - An HTML Code T-Shirt Design
- Second Class Citizen: A Shirt of Shame
- The DC Colonist is now officially stock photo
- The D.C. Colonist Is The Subject Of A Letter To The Editor In Today's Washington Post
- The D.C. Colonist is featured today's The Reliable Source column in the Style Section of the Washington Post
- WAMU Coverage of the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on the Federal Workforce, Postal Service and the District of Columbia hearing titled "Greater Autonomy for the Nation's Capitol"
- The Localized Nationalism of Sports Jerseys
- Photographs of the Taxpayers March on Washington [PART ONE]
- No Requests: a t-shirt for DJs who don't like to be bothered
- She's got the sole of the city with SWIMS galoshes
- Federico Aubele's Anthropomorphic Map of Panamericana
- The Adidas World Map and the Adidas Map of the Western Hemisphere
- QR Code on display at the Ralph Lauren store in Georgetown
- My Weekend in Photos [8/22-8/24]
- Photos from last night's "Quart Bag" exhibition @ the Civilian Art Projects
- An interview on a bicycle conducted while riding through Amsterdam
- Hipster : The Dead End of Western Civilization By Douglas Haddow
- Cartographic Clothing from Express
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- the world is you, a fashion experiment