Before I took the photographs last night I first recorded this timelapse video. The video consists of hundreds of frames taken exactly two seconds apart using my Canon SD750 digital camera mounted on my tripod. I started recording the video around dusk before I could see Jupiter through the twilight and let it record until the planets were out of frame. The music is Transit of Venus by John Phillip Sousa (1893) and performed by the Virginia Grand Military Band (2003). I’ve used this music before when filming other planets and it’s pretty much become my de-facto music for all my astronomy related videos.
Related Venus Entries:
- Time-Lapse Video of the Conjunction of Venus, Jupiter, and a Crescent Moon in Washington, DC
- Astrophotography of the conjunction of the Crescent Moon, Venus, and Jupiter
- Timelapse Astrophotography of Venus & Jupiter nearing their conjunction
- Short NASA video of the 2004 Transit of Venus
- The Precessional Pentagram of Venus
- Staring at the Sun in Stellarium
- Seen in the night sky last week
- An updated Armillary Sphere
Related Jupiter Entries:
- Time-lapse photograph of Mercury, Jupiter, and an airplane taking off
- Time-Lapse Video of the Conjunction of Venus, Jupiter, and a Crescent Moon in Washington, DC
- Astrophotography of the conjunction of the Crescent Moon, Venus, and Jupiter
- Timelapse Astrophotography of Venus & Jupiter nearing their conjunction
- Jupiter traveling through the night sky of Washington, DC
Related Moon Entries:
- A slightly blurry view of Mount Princeton from Buena Vista
- Time-Lapse Video of the Conjunction of Venus, Jupiter, and a Crescent Moon in Washington, DC
- Astrophotography of the conjunction of the Crescent Moon, Venus, and Jupiter
- Harvest Moon in Washington, DC Timelapse Video
- Staring at the Sun in Stellarium
- Moon Mars Conjunction
- Seen in the night sky last week
- An updated Armillary Sphere
Related Astronomy Entries:
- The Noyes Armillary Sphere Described In The Historic American Buildngs Survey #532
- Armillary Sphere Donated to 'Federal City' by Author; Ancient Astronomical Device Links Early Chinese to Modern Americans - The Washington Post, November 10, 1936
- Time-lapse photograph of Mercury, Jupiter, and an airplane taking off
- Time-Lapse Video of the Conjunction of Venus, Jupiter, and a Crescent Moon in Washington, DC
- Short NASA video of the 2004 Transit of Venus
- Harvest Moon in Washington, DC Timelapse Video
- Gloria Immortalis Labore Parta
- The Precessional Pentagram of Venus
- A New & Somewhat Accurate Map of the Tropic of Gemini and the Tropic of Sagittarius
- The Use of the Analemma - As explained around 1780
- the Phoenix Mars Mission
- The first glimpse of Mercury's horizon
- Tessellated Space
- An updated Armillary Sphere
- An Interactive Astrological Calendar from 1544 for Google Earth
Related Vimeo Entries:
- DC Flag Day in the Flesh
- The U.S. Capitol surrounded by high-rise buildings in Fort Knox Five's new music video "SHIFT" featuring Afrika Bambaataa & Mustafa Akbar
- Charlie Chaplin's speech in the The Great Dictator (1940)
- Revisiting the Dupont Lenz Quilt Animation
- Time-Lapse Video of the Conjunction of Venus, Jupiter, and a Crescent Moon in Washington, DC
- Short NASA video of the 2004 Transit of Venus
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- Video of my vote at Precinct #137 in Washington, DC
- Harvest Moon in Washington, DC Timelapse Video
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- A Polar Bear In Denver
- A video of an American Goldfinch eating my sunflower's seeds
- Bicycle ride home from the 18th Street Lounge in time-lapse
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- Jupiter traveling through the night sky of Washington, DC
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- 24 Hours in Rocky Mountain National Park