Last night the graphic above was forward to me by my friend and fellow activist, Timothy Cooper of World Rights, an NGO that works to promote and protect human rights under principles of international law.
I have worked with Timothy on many different human rights demonstrations in the past involving the OSCE. He was quoted in David Montgomery’s article about me as saying “Nikolas looks better in a Colonial outfit and a tricorner hat than practically anyone I know.” Timothy Cooper is also one heck of a piano player, but what I respect him for most is his ongoing work on behalf of the disenfranchised residents of America’s capital city.
As one of the few activists who have succeeded in placing the international spotlight on Washington, DC’s lack of voting representation, this press release below shows that he’s been continuing the fight. In the Needs Assessment Mission Report[pdf] published by Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights there is a specific paragraph that I don’t think would have been included without his diligence. It references the 2006 OSCE Declaration that we helped lobby for; both on land and water.
Human Rights Advocacy WorldwideFor Immediate Release
Date: August 4, 2008
Contact: Timothy Cooper
Washington, DC—In a “Needs Assessment Mission Report [pdf]” issued by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on July 28, 2008, the OSCE concluded that “[w]hile the United States of America has a long-standing tradition of democratic elections, several issues raised in previous OSCE/ODIHR reports, and those highlighted by OSCE/ODIHR NAM interlocutors, merit further attention.” Among those issues raised in previous OSCE reports is the continuing denial of full congressional representation to the nearly 600,000 residents of Washington, D.C. In its last election observation report issued in 2006, the OSCE called on the U.S. government to grant D.C. residents full congressional voting rights. The United States is obligated to guarantee full representation in Congress to the residents of the District of Columbia under the 1990 OSCE Copenhagen Document, to which it is party.
The new report’s Executive Summary notes that “only citizens of states are entitled to vote for congressional representation with full voting rights, leaving approximately 600,000 US citizens in Washington DC alone without full representation in Congress….”
The latest report’s findings also state that “[a]ccording to the Constitution, United States citizens who are not citizens of one of the 50 states are not able to vote for members of Congress who have full voting rights in Congress. It is estimated that up to 600,000 citizens in Washington DC alone, without including citizens in US territories, are subject to US laws including taxation and permitted to vote in the presidential election, but cannot fully exercise their voting rights for Congressional representation.”
Worldrights lobbied the OSCE/ODIHR for many years to draw its attention to the willful disenfranchisement of D.C. residents by Congress and the Executive Branch.
The report may be found at: or by clicking here[pdf]
The current Democratic Party leadership mentioned in the graphic above have been advocating 1/3 representation for the residents of Washington, DC for far too long. What is funny about the graphic to me is it uses the 1/3 meme that I’ve been pressing for the last few years:
First with the license plate:
Which received mention in the Washington Times
….and now the graphic above employs the concept of being begging to the 1/3 meme. I wonder what meme will be next? I can only hope the Democratic Party leadership changes their direction in favor of what Washington, DC residents voted for: statehood or at least full representation in Congress (not one token vote in the House of Representatives and no Senators).
Related OSCE Entries:
- A New Strategy For Full Representation in Congress: Have the District of Columbia Government Sue State Legislatures
- The D.C. Colonist receives a warm welcome from Senator Joe Lieberman at today's Business Meeting of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
- The Organization For Security And Cooperation In Europe Continues To Press The US Goverment on Full Congressional Representation for D.C. Residents
- OSCE Finds US Government Violates Human Rights
- I am mentioned in the Northwest Current
- International Body Backs Vote for D.C.
- OSCE Parliamentary Assembly adopts Washington Declaration
- Examiner Coverage of our OSCE Maritime Lobbying Effort
- The first DC Democracy Naval Battle
- Out of Committee
- Liberté, égalité, fraternité - OSCE
- Sway with me
- pre-press
- OSCE Rally Friday!
- DC City Council Passes OSCE Resolution
Related Colonist Entries:
- DC Colonist Cartoon: “Court Declares State Voters Tax Exempt in D.C.” – Washington Evening Star, March 13, 1940
- DC Colonist Cartoon: “Keep Out of U.S. Elections” – Washington Star, November 5, 1940
- DC Colonist Cartoon: “Disenfranchisement" – Washington Star, November 4th, 1930
- Subcommittee on Health Care, District of Columbia, Census and the National Archives: Hearing on the District of Columbia's Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: "Ensuring Fiscal Sustainability"
- DC Colonist Cartoon: "Election Day" - Washington Star, November 4th, 1924
- Feature in today's Weekend Pass Section of the Washington Post's Express Newspaper: "Geo-Beautiful"
- YouTube Video Showing Where George Washington Grew Hemp at Mount Vernon
- 52 cents in change // 52 centavos en cambio
- 51 cents in change
- Photos from Emancipation Day 2010 by Elvert Barnes
- TO MAKE A STATE OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - The New York Times, December 14, 1902
- Comments by Thomas Tredwell at the New York Ratifying Convention on July 2nd, 1788
- “Representation, Reforestation” Was Selected For The DC Urban Forest Project
- Second Class Citizen: A Shirt of Shame
- My Urban Forest Project Submission: "Representation, Reforestation"
- Justice Stafford Eloquent on Washington: Past, Present, and Future - The Washington Herald, May 9th, 1909
- Photograph of when an innocent card game made me feel sad
- The DC Colonist is now officially stock photo
- Pat Buchanan Prefers To Be A Colonist. I Do Not. [YouTube Video Clip of MSNBC's Morning Joe Show]
- My Response To Today's Washington Post Letter To The Editor By Ann Wass
- The D.C. Colonist Is The Subject Of A Letter To The Editor In Today's Washington Post
- The D.C. Colonist is featured today's The Reliable Source column in the Style Section of the Washington Post
- WAMU Coverage of the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on the Federal Workforce, Postal Service and the District of Columbia hearing titled "Greater Autonomy for the Nation's Capitol"
- TAFT STIRS CAPITAL BY SUFFRAGE SPEECH - The New York Times, May 10th, 1909
- The D.C. Statehood Vote - The Washington Post, November 20th, 1993
- Tax Fairness for D.C. - The New York Times, October 30th, 1993
- D.C. Statehood - The Washington Post, January 13th, 1993
- Statehood for the District of Columbia - The Boston Globe, December 2nd, 1992
- The State of Misgovernment - The New York Times, July 21st, 1992
- Grant D.C. Residents Full Rights - The Oregonian, April 15th, 1992
- The D.C. Plantation: Freedom Soon? - The New York Times, November 25th, 1991
- Free the Government's Plantation - The New York Times, October 6th, 1991
- Statehood for the District of Columbia - The Minneapolis Star and Tribune, June 27th, 1987
- Why Not Statehood for D.C. Citizens? - Seattle Times, May 11th, 1987
- [Washington Times] CITIZEN JOURNALISM: D.C. Voters Eye 51st-State Status By Ann Loikow
- The sign I posted outside of MTV's Real World DC house is transcribed in today's Washington Post
- Happy 4th of July, but remember...
- Obama can't criticize Chavez on at least one issue
- Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton & Senator Joe Lieberman introduce a D.C. Statehood Bill
- What! A Bicycle Rifle? Yes?
- Thomas Jefferson's Map of Washington from March 31st, 1791
- Text of H.R. 259 - An act to retrocede the county of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia, to the State of Virginia
- YouTube video of DC Colonists demonstrating at the first Nationals game at RFK Stadium
- "Let Us Now End American Colonialism" - A speech by Ernest Gruening delivered to the Delegates of the Alaska Constitutional Convention on November 9, 1955
- The 23rd Amendment - Time Magazine - March 31, 1961
- The D.C. Colonist receives a warm welcome from Senator Joe Lieberman at today's Business Meeting of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
- Hey Google & YouTube, those are not my Senators! I have no Senators!
- Hey Google & YouTube, that is not my Representative or Delegate!
- Washington Post Video of last night's Statehood Forum
- Indirectly mentioned in today's Washington Post
- YouTube Video featuring the 6pm News Coverage Mashup of the 2009 DC House Voting Rights Act
- Interviewed on MSNBC this morning
- Welcome to DC, we have no vote, we have no voice.
- YouTube Video of Newschannel 8's coverage of the "YES WE CAN - DC STATEHOOD NOW" poster
- Plagiarizing the official Inaugural Map to include a political message
- Yes We Can - DC Statehood Now!
- [FOUND MAP] New York City: The 51st State
- The American Flag in a 51 Star Configuration with One Star Removed
- My DC license plate redesign was discussed today on the WAMU's The Kojo Nnamdi Show
- website confuses Statehood with Voting Rights & Representation
- What D.C. Statehood Would Mean To Black America - Ebony, October, 1990
- One Third Representation Flyer Posted Outside of Busboys & Poets
- The Organization For Security And Cooperation In Europe Continues To Press The US Goverment on Full Congressional Representation for D.C. Residents
- Quart Bag: A Community Art Show at the Civilian Art Projects
- The Dr. Bill Show!
- DC Residents say they want full democracy, like New Delhi.
- Experimenting with Facebook's advertisement system [part 3 - Twenty Phantom Women]
- The maps on Google Analytics suffer from Washington, DC's exclusion
- Google Charts API now includes small maps, but leaves out Washington, DC.
- Roll Call's Photo of the Week features the DC Colonist
- Voting Rights March Recap
- D.C. Voting Rights March...
- Fun with MyGoogleMaps...
- OSCE Finds US Government Violates Human Rights
- The U.S. Capitol is Off-Limits to the Public: An Exploration of Censorship's Perimeter
- Tom Davis Supports Statehood?
- THE GEOCOLONIAL SLOTS - Match 3 for Statehood!
- Interactive Inequality #3
- Interactive Inequality #2
- Interactive Inequality
- Lost in America's Last Colony
- Censored today in theMail...
- The New DC Flag...if HR 328 passes...
- Take 1/3 of a day off work for 1/3 Representation
- Third of representation a start, but not enough
- The New DC License Plate.. if H.R. 5388 passes
- Dennis Hastert's Office 3 Years ago... yesterday
- Is the DC Colonist a Netscape Celebrity?
- Salt Lake Tribune covers the D.C. Colonist
- ABC 7 Covers the D.C. Colonist...
- The DC Colonist is in a Scripts Howard wire report
- Taxation Without Representation Google Map
- I am featured in the Green Party's "Green Pages"
- I am mentioned in the Northwest Current
- International Body Backs Vote for D.C.
- OSCE Parliamentary Assembly adopts Washington Declaration
- Censorship on the 4th of July
- Examiner Coverage of our OSCE Maritime Lobbying Effort
- We've got the support-
- The first DC Democracy Naval Battle
- Out of Committee
- Liberté, égalité, fraternité - OSCE
- Sway with me
- pre-press
- OSCE Rally Friday!
- DC City Council Passes OSCE Resolution
- DC Colonists video clip
- The D.C. Colonist makes his baseball debut!
- DCist Covers the Colonist
- DC Colonists - Flyer & Press Release
- The D.C. Colonist in the Washington Post
- The Colonist in the Post
- Congress Passes District's Budget
- It's Official....
- a Great B.A.D. Day
- B.A.D. Day Schedule
- B.A.D. Day is tomorrow
- B.A.D. Day Call to Action!
- its starting to get B.A.D.
Not sure where you get 1/3 representation? The way I count it, there are five national offices for which each citizen of the 50 states gets to vote: P, VP, H, plus 2xS. DC denizens currently get to vote for only two of the five national ofrfices. Adding a Congressperson would make it 3 of 5 (P, VP, and H), thus getting us to approximate parity with the (all men are created equal?) original scheme in the Constitution for counting non-whites as three fifths of a person. Our status as quasi-slaves whose lives are legislated “in all cases whatsoever” by a legislature in which we have no say would persist. Compare the District Clause with the Dclaratory Act of 1766: A national legislature arrogates to itself unwarranted Absolute Power “In All Cases Whatsoever” over and unrepresented national minority.
Comment by Gerry Wenham — 8/28/2008 @ 5:29 pm
Comment by Gerry Wenham — 8/28/2008 @ 6:10 pm
1/3 congressional representation is the more precise term. The 23rd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives DC residents the opportunity to vote for the president & vice president. Congress can just as easily pass another amendment giving DC residents two senators with full voting power.
Comment by — 8/29/2008 @ 12:13 am