A couple weeks ago one of my housemates had some of her friends over for dinner. Near the end of the evening one of guests got out their camera and started taking some random photos. I found the photograph above on their photobucket page and decided to repost it here because it made me smile. On the left is gnome mooning everyone, in the back center is a gallery wrapped 32″x48″ print of Superdome Quilt First Derivative #2, and on the right is musician Sean McArdle. I don’t know why the gnome was making an appearance at the dinner party, but at least he decided to show his sincere disdain for proper decorum by mooning the guests. I’m told not many gnomes are not that nice.
As for the title of this entry, its a play on words of a slogan from a Washington, DC-based car insurance company’s television commercial series. And marginally related, there is an event taking place in San Francisco this weekend called Arse Electronica, which is a play on words for Ars Electronica. Consider this photograph decided to all three :-)
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