Its official. This blog has changed its name to a more fitting name. [drum roll]
Nikolas ® Schiller’s blog is now called “The Daily Render”
I mentioned this name change before but I didn’t seriously think about changing it. However after reading through my website logs and finding that someone has blogrolled me (speak up whoever you are!), I went to to see if I could find out who. After searching, I found out that someone else had already taken the name “Mental Masturbation.” So why name your blog with a name someone else is already using? Especially with a tagline like “Blowing Your Mind in a Consequence Free Environment,” with all due respect, “Keystrokes for a Better World” just sounds dumb compared to “blowing your mind” (the consequence free environment part is lame, because there are consequences to everything one says). So from now on this blog’s name will be “The Daily Render” and the tagline will be “Your Daily Dose of Visual Stimulation.” I mean, I’ve mainly used this blog as a forum to display and critique my near-daily renderings, so why not follow through and name it properly. Plus, as I mentioned before, “Mental Masturbation is a bit over the top as far as names go.
Since the subject of Daily Renderings is now in the spotlight, I must comment on the rendering above. I really do love the satellite image being used for the torus, but I still don’t like the inner satellite image of Baghdad much. As I mentioned earlier, the original satellite image of the Green Zone in Baghdad was too large for computer to handle (it might have been due to the fact that half of my CPU speed was tied up rendering another graphic) so I had to scale down the image to roughly half its size. This meant that the 1 meter satellite image (meaning that each pixel represented one meter on the ground) was reduced to a 4 meter image (if you half the size of the image you don’t get 2 meters but 4 because the former pixel is square, not rectangular), and with the reduction in size, the new satellite image has half the amount of detail as before. Thus I’d rather have the inner satellite image have more detail. Plus it makes the spherical projection (aka the “lenz”) look more round- which, afterall, is the reason why I began this series in the first place. I am going to snag another image from one of the “Earth As Art” galleries and use the same Guinea-Bissau satellite image for torus. Expect another image in about 8-10 hours!
In other news, if you have a moment download the latest issue of the INDYPENDENT. It is chalk full of what will be going down in NYC next week during the RNC. I wish I could go, but money is tight and I feel I can be more of service here for some reason. I am helping load a puppet for Adam this morning, so at least I am helping out in some way.
Baghdad Imagery change in Google Earth
|| 8/16/2005 || 6:02 pm || Comments Off on Baghdad Imagery change in Google Earth || ||
I heard about this news last week…
Last night I decided to do some “research” and found that Google has actually changed their imagery in Baghdad, Iraq. I know this because when Google Earth came out I visited Baghdad and it had the same Digital Globe imagery that I downloaded to make some of my Baghdad renderings with. Look at the imagery below. Notice at big hole around downtown Baghdad? That contains the Greenzone as well as most of the important buildings in the Iraqi government.
It looks like Google has taken some heat and put in some older imagery… I don’t know for sure if it’s older or not, but I’ll have to check. If I remember correctly, I downloaded some pre-illegal-invasion imagery from Digital Globe, but I’ll have to check…
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